In the blog, content is sorted by the date it was added to the website. Here in the gallery, pieces are sorted by their date of completion.
Click any image to bring up more info, including the story behind the piece or the blog entry in which it was originally featured. (Stories for some of the newer pieces haven’t been written up yet).
You can purchase nearly all of my prints from the webstore. If you’d like one that’s not currently listed or you’re interested in one of the original paintings or drawings, send a message.
“She’s Cut with Xylazine” 9/29/2024. Acrylic paint. 24×20″.
“Common Denominator.” 8/12/24. Acrylic paint and pigment ink. 8×10″.
“The Boy Nobody Wanted Wins the Super Bowl” 7/26/24. Acrylic paint. 36×36″.
“What Makes Life Feel Worth Living.” 6/16/24. Acrylic paint. 24×24″.
“Baby Dick Virgin.” 5/1/24. Acrylic paint. 16×20″.
“Stupid Kids With Stupid Dreams” 6/27/20. Acrylic paint. 24×24″.
“Things You Can’t Come Back From.” 3/24/19. Acrylic paint. 18×24″.
“Sorry For Overdosing in Your Bathroom” 3/8/19. Acrylic paint. 20×20″.
“Buy This Painting or They’ll Put Me in Jail Where I Belong.” 2/7/18. Acrylic paint. 24×30″.
“Bright Side Nihilism: (Syria +/= Video Music Awards) < The Dog Peed on the Futon." 9/1/13. Mixed media. 30x40".
“Weird War.” 8/20/13. Mixed media. 9×12″.
“Iowa.” 8/19/13. Watercolor, marker, and pen. 9×12″.
“Stand Up and Say No.” 7/31/13. Acrylics and ink on a stretched canvas. 16×20″.
“I Don’t Do Well With Crowds.” 7/16/13. Pen. 8×11½”.
“Blueprint For a Successful Evening.” 6/17/13 + 5/12/14. Acrylic paint, spray paint, and ink. 24×18″.
“Note to Self or: A Pile of Red Boxes Dances Along to the Raging Spiritual and Moral Conflicts That Rattle His (Presumably) Cardboard Bones.” 3/3/13. Acrylic paint, resin sand, black ink pen. 9×12″.
“Pornographic Images For Children.” 2/21/13. Acrylic painting on canvas. 10×12″.
“Suicide Jacket.” 2/18/13. Acrylic paint on my winter coat. 15×24″.
“4-Hydroxybutanoic Acid Talent Show.” 2/16/13. Acrylics on cardboard. 18×28″.
“My Favorite Cartoon.” 1/15/13. Pen on scrap. 3×4″.
“I’m a Fucking Artist, Guys.” 12/14/12. Pen. 2×3″.
Pssst… if you’re one of those rare nerds who’s upset that this page no longer features EVERY ORIGINAL THRASHLIFE EVER, use the site’s search bar to locate the super secret gallery of stuff that’s not very good. But don’t say you weren’t warned…
Your art is inspirational and means so much to me. Don’t let haters bring you down, instead let them make you stronger and wiser. You are awesome and down right fucking cool as shit ☺️
your work is exceptional and inspirational – stay healthy my friend
Your art is inspirational and means so much to me. Don’t let haters bring you down, instead let them make you stronger and wiser. You are awesome and down right fucking cool as shit ☺️
I look at your work all of the time. it quiets my epilepsy
I kinda fell in love with you by seeing all of this.