For those that just CAN’T GET ENOUGH of my nonsense, here’s EVERYTHING ELSE I’VE EVER MADE, no matter how terrible or inconsequential. The vastly overwhelming majority of it is from my first year making art, much of which was spent in an inpatient facility. It’s sorted chronologically in descending order (i.e. newest first).
“”Christian Love (The Grace of a Mountain Goat)” 10/22/24. Pigment and alcohol inks. 8½x11″.
“Art For Miley Cyrus to Wipe Her Ass With” 4/25/24. acrylic paint. (roughly?) 3×4′.
“Sammy thrashLife Goes to Springfield.” 1/15/15. Acrylic and spray paints. 12×12″.
“Every Song Sounds Like the Last One.” 9/28/14. Ink. 14×11″.
“Love Letter.” 9/2/14. Ink. 14×11″.
“I Finally Understand All Those Straight Edge Songs on the Radio!” 8/11/14. Ink. 6×6″.
“I Work Hard For the Money.” 8/11/14. Ink. 8×6″.
“Bleed Blue Tattoo.” 7/5/14. Ink. 11×14″.
“Girls / Love / Sex / Pop Punk.” 6/11/14. Ink. 8¼x8¼”.
“Punk Rock Today is Better Than It’s Ever Been.” 5/28/14. Pen. 4½x5¼”.
“The Froot of All Evil” spring 2014. acrylic paint. 24×48″.
“Capitalist Pig Dogs Feeding at the Trough of Punk Rock.” 4/14/14. Pen. 4×5″.
“The Most Efficient Path to Loneliness.” 1/22/14. Ink. 7¼x9½”.
“When God Gives You Lemonbrains.” 1/15/14. Oil pastel. 9×12″
“Still Geekin’.” 1/14/14. Ink. 5¼x5¼”.
“So Badly.” 1/11/14. Ink. 3½x5″.
“How I Make My Soup In My Belly.” 1/4/14. Crayon, pen, and marker. 8×10″
“Going to Charlotte.” 12/27/13. Ink. 4×6″.
“Happy Martin Luther King or Valentine’s Day.” 12/11/2013. Colored pencil and ink. 4×5¾”.
“All Better.” 11/12/13. Ink on book cover.
“Pale Angels.” 11/7/13.
“Milo Goes to See an Attorney (Regarding the Use of His Likeness to Sell Unimaginative T-Shirts For Boring Bands).” 11/5/13. Ink on newsprint. 17×17″.
“All I Really Need to Know I Learned From a Drunk 14 Year Old at the Mall.” 10/25/13. Acrylic and spray paints, resin sand, and food coloring. 24×18″ stretched canvas.
“Greetings From Delray Beach.” 10/8/13. Pencil, marker, digital. 13½x10”.
“The Island in Pinocchio Where Bad Kids Go to Be Bad.” 10/5/13. Acrylic and watercolor paint, food coloring, resin sand, and pen. 20×16″ stretched canvas.
“Punched in the Dick By a Baby Gorilla.” 9/20/13. Pencil and marker on vellum. 10×8″.
“My Treatment Plan.” 3/28/13. Pencil, pen, and watercolor on treatment plan. 8½x11”.
“Dear Diary.” 3/26/13. Pen and pencil on paper. 6×8″.
“Girls Are Not Pokemon.” 3/26/13. Colored pencil and pen. 8×10″.
“Insecure and Overwhelmed.” 3/26/13. Acrylics, watercolor, marker, fabric dye, and knife on a framed chalkboard. 16½x22”.
“Everything Sucks When I’m Out of Adderall.” 3/23/13. Watercolor, pen, marker, and acrylic on 140 lb cold pressed paper. 9×12″.
“Leaky Sinks and Stupid Fucking Garbage Disposals.” 3/18/13. Watercolor and ink on canvas. 5 ½x13 ½.”.
“Powerless Over Flexeril.” 3/15/13. Marker. 9×12″.
“Everything Works Out Exactly As It Should.” 3/14/13. Marker and digital. 8×10″.
“It Smells Like Pee Because I Peed On It b/w How I Feel About My Life Right Now + Doll Garage.” 3/14/13. Mixed media. 12×16″.
“Titrating.” 3/14/13. Acrylic, marker, and pen on canvas. 8×10″.
“Blow Bubbles!” 3//13/13. Crayon and digital. 8×10″.
“I Only Fuck to Black Metal.” 3/12/13. Needle, thread, fabric dye, ink, and acrylic paint. Shorts.
“I Took a Picture of You While You Were Sleeping Because I Think You’re Extraordinarily Beautiful and Because I’m Kind of a Creep Insofar as My Respect For (or Maybe Just Conception of) Personal Boundaries Leaves Something to Be Desired; Also: Slumber Party!” 3/8/13. Oil pastel, tempera, pencil. 7×18″.
“Jail.” 3/5/13. Pen on property inventory sheet. 4×6″.
“Ten Dollars an Hour.” 3/3/13. Acrylic paint and ink. 11×14″.
“Weird Kids With Bad Teeth.” 2/27/13. Acrylic paint, pen, duct tape. 4×4″.
“Trying to Be a Light.” 2/26/13. Acrylic and watercolor. 10×12½”.
“My Girlfriend Isn’t a Drug Addict; She Manages Her Own Life and a Charlotte Russe; I Can’t Get Her to Pee On Me and I’m Really Fucking In Love With Her.” 2/24/13. Acrylic and pen on cardboard (on wood). 25×8″.
“I’m Also Available to Babysit.” 2/24/13. Acrylic on (what was) the front cover of a hardcover book. 9×12″
“Give Me Money and Praise.” 2/24/13. Acrylic paint and ink on cardboard. 14×6″.
“Friday Afternoons Spent in Mental Health Treatment Facilities.” 2/16/13. Acrylics, resin sand, crow quill with gold ink, marker, and peptol-bismol on cardboard. 15½x4¼”.
“Diminishing Returns.” 2/16/13. Acrylic paint, peptol-bismol, glue, on cardboard. 6×13″.
“Valuable Feedback.” 2/16/13. Acrylics, resin sand, and fabric dye on cardboard. 16½x18”.
“So Smart I Got Life Lessons Dripping Out My Asshole (Also: Charm) Pay Me (…?)” 2/16/13. Acrylics and resin sand on cardboard. 12×14″.
“Little Vomit-Colored Hearts.” 2/12/13. Acrylics, pen, and collage (cardboard, resin sand, and crushed up Peptol-Bismol) on a strange wooden frame. 12″ (diameter) round.
“Coining Out.” 2/8/13. Marker. 7×9½”.
“I’d Kill Your Family If I Thought You’d Notice, But You Wouldn’t, So Fuck It, I’ll Just Smoke Cigarettes and Light My T-Shirts On Fire.” 2/1/13. Tempera. 12×18″.
“Matt.” 2/1/13. Colored pencil. 8×10″.
“Dog’s Blood is an Excellent Laxative.” 3¾x5″. Pen. 1/25/13.
“Give Us Your Blood.” 1/19/13. Charcoal. 12×8½”.
“Happy, Joyous, and Free.” 1/19/13. Charcoal. 8½x12″.
“Eye.” 1/17/13. Charcoal. 9×12″.
“Pulp.” 1/17/13. Charcoal. 9×12″.
“Unspecified Selection From ‘The Worst Kinds of People: An Omnibus of Terrible.'” 1/16/13. White ink on black paper. 8½x8½.
“Don’t Try.” 1/16/13. Charcoal on scrap paper. 5×7″.
“Broken Records.” 1/15/13. Pen on scrap. 5×3½”.
“Bring Me a Kids Menu … I Am Twenty-Seven.” 1/13/13. Crayon. 6×4½”.
“Eat Gummy Worms and Smoke Crack With Someone Who Appreciates You.” 1/7/13. Pen. 8½x11.
“Another Opportunity For Growth!!!” 1/6/13. Crayon on a “sorry we lost your mail” envelope from the US Postal Service. 4¾x9½”.
“Rotten.” 1/3/13. Calligraphy pens and black ink. 9×12″.
“My Year in Review.” 12/28/12. Colored pencil and black pen on paper. 9×14½”.
“Merry Christmas 2K12.” 12/22/13. Acrylics and pen. 9×12″.
“For Andy.” 12/18/12. Pen and digital. 2×3″.
“Tracy’s Birthday.” 12/17/12. Colored pencil and pen. 10×8″.
“Give Up, Sniff Glue.” 10/24/12. Watercolor, pencil, and pen. 12×18″.
“Nothing Helps.” 10/2/12. Colored pencil and oil pastel. 6×9″.
“The No Self-Esteem Engine.” 9/19/12. Tempera on paper. 12×18″.
“Fucking Miracles.” 9/12/12. Mixed media. 12×18″.
“Fuck This.” 9/12/12. Tempera on paper. 12×18″.
“Rat With Wings.” 9/5/12. Tempera on paper. 12×18″.
“Kind of Cute.” 8/29/12. Pencil, magazine, glue. 8½x11”.
“Fifteen Alligators.” 8/22/12. Oil pastels on scrap paper. 9×12″.
“Kicking Dirt.” 8/22/12. Oil pastels on scrap paper. 9×12″.
While many of these “pieces” are genuinely embarrassing, I do sincerely like some of the others. It’s just, for varying reasons, not the kind of stuff I want to put up front, representing me. That said, I made prints of many of these in the early days and still have some of them lying around. (Some I even continue to restock/sell). And since I never exhibited them, the same is even true of some of the older originals. If you’re interested in purchasing something you see here, shoot me a message and maybe you’ll get lucky.