
The first time I ever decided to make art for its own sake, the results were… mixed. It was more than a year ago and at no point has it grown on me…

"Efhurt." 10/26/12. Watercolor. 8½x11".
“Efhurt.” 10/26/12. Watercolor. 8½x11″.

Maybe that’s for the best though – that I dislike it so much. Maybe it’s good for me to have to accept that the one piece of art that I can’t ignore – that I can’t leave out of my story – is one of which I’m totally embarrassed.

It’s (very seriously) insane just how much something like acknowledging that this painting exists can fuck with my emotional well-being. Sitting here typing this, I don’t … – I don’t want to type it. I hate it. But I’m doing it anyway. As imperfect as all of this is – it’s a good exercise in humility. I’m not perfect, my website isn’t perfect, my stories and artwork are not all uniformly fascinating. Sometimes I’m just okay.

Okay’s not so bad, I guess.


If you’d like to buy this painting, I would love to get it out of my home. Hit me up. (And remember: it’s got historical value).

Note: historical value < all other kinds of value

Say somethin'.