Some of the 8,000 things I’ve been up to this month

I’ve been busy.

Spent a week in Delray Beach. Longer than expected but for good reasons. While there, I painted another 60×40″ piece that’ll go up in Ettra later this week, along with three of my other pieces (two of which are among my favorites and have yet to appear online – but will later this week (along with the new aforementioned 60″ piece)).

While in south Florida, I had some of my larger pieces professionally photographed so that I can make perfect prints at virtually any size, whether on paper or canvas.

I’ve made more money this month than I ever made at any “real job” that I’ve ever had. And the month’s not even over yet. If this next part comes across as arrogant, that’s okay ’cause I work real hard…


Okay, but now let’s see if I can actually sustain it. (Pretty sure I can). Also, it’s worth noting that the “people who doubted me” have been tremendously outnumbered by the “people who believed in me” and that’s probably a big part of how/why I’ve been able to believe in me. (And for that I am very grateful).

I was interviewed for an internet radio show, in Boca Raton, a few days back. I think it went real well. I’ll post a link once it’s online.

I’m doing another interview tonight for the weekly creative/arts/film/weekend-y paper here in Jacksonville. Thanks to my buddy, Mike, who met a writer and told her about my story. (Which is about the coolest thing I could ever hope for one of my friends to do).

My art’s been included in a series of artist’s trading cards currently being proposed as part of a crowdfunded campaign for what would be Jacksonville’s first legitimate art gallery. (No offense, Burrito Gallery; I love you a lot but burritos are always gonna be your primary concern).  Go check it out and kick in some cash if you’re so inclined.

I took the stage at Wunderground’s one-night/pop-up show last night. Originally, I had signed up to do “either poetry or comedy.” Instead, I decided to do a more general “spoken word” kind of thing that could probably be considered a little of both… I told my story and then went through a stack of prints I had picked out and talked a little bit about each one. Some I told funny stories about, some I talked about more seriously, and some (of the sillier ones) I just shared the title. I think it went really well. My friend, Rosaly, video’d it for me so I’ll post that online soon as well.

Some of my “dicier” pieces have gone up at Dark Side Tattoo (4718 Herschel St. in Jacksonville) just until I leave town. Speaking of which…

My exhibition at Burrito Gallery (21 E. Adams St.) only has another ten days before it ends. Once it does, I’m leaving Jacksonville. My first stop will be the Sarasota Film Festival for the premiere of No Real Than You Are (the short film I acted in over the summer). After that, I may or may not head either to Miami or back to Delray Beach. The only thing I have a relatively solid idea about is that I plan to be out of Florida by the end of April. But (as usual) I have a few things in the works that (depending on how they play out) could change that. Either way, I’m excited. Every thing is going very, very well. I’m producing a lot of new art (of which I’m really proud), getting a lot of recognition for everything I’ve been doing, and having a ton of fun doing it.


Say somethin'.